Informatics for Climate Change - Batch 1 : [11] Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 11 of 11
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2021-07-16Potential for Green Hydrogen Production from Biomass, Solar and Wind for the rising of Green Hydrogen Economy in TogoKitegi, Mawunyo Simon Pierre
2021-07-13Greenhouse Gas Emission in road Transport and Urban Mobility in Ouagadougou: Evaluation and Modelling of its Effect on Air PollutionKiribou, Abdou-Razakou Issaka
2021Predicting discharge in catchment outlet using deep learning methods: case study of Niamey in the Ansongo-Niamey basinAdounkpe, Julien Yise Peniel
2021-07-19Evaluate the effectiveness of local rainfall forecast application for farmers making decisionElh Maman Garba, Ibrahim
2021Design and implementation of a smart irrigation system for a sustainable water management in NigerKokoye, L. F. Glory A.
2021Decision Support System for Implementing Sustainable Relocation Strategies for Adaptation to Climate Change: Model BaseAbiodun, Kayode Florence
2021-07-19Projection of socio-economic and climate scenarios impacts on food security: case of Mali and Burkina FasoDiarisso, Makan Garba
2020Ecosystem services assessment in urban and peri-urban forests over West Africa to improve air quality: A case study of Mbao Classified Forest, Dakar (Senegal)Diankha, Momath
2021-07-05Design and Implementation of an Offline Data Repository for Climate AnalysisAizansi, Arsene Nounangnon
2021-11Impacts of Climate Extremes on Crop Production: Modelling Yield Loss using Machine Learning Algorithms in the Sudanese and North-Guinean Climatic zones of MaliKassogue, Issa
2021-07-05Design and Implementation of an Offline Data Repository for Climate AnalysisAbokye, Prince
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 11 of 11