Climate Change and Marine Science - Batch 1 : [12] Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 12 of 12
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2021Assessing the Role of Seagrasses as a Socio-Ecological System: A Case Study from Cape Verde (Gamboa Bay)Soumah, Seydouba
2021Investigating Coastal Sea Level Variability of the Cape Verde Archipelago in the Face of Climate ChangeMintah Ayim, Samuel
2021Assessment of the impacts of climate change on the Grand Saloum transboundary Wetland Complex (Senegal-Gambia)Badji, Ousmane
2021Comparative Analysis of Population Structure of Gymnothorax Vicinus (Muraenidae) in the Northern Islands of Cabo Verde through Morphological Features and Genetic MarkersKonate, Moussa Dothian
2021Zooplankton Diel Vertical Migration impact on particulate matter flux in the AtlanticSousa Lourenço, Mayara Jany
2022Effect of Eddies on Plankton Productivity in the Cabo Verde regionSilva, Patrícia Helena Ferreira
2021Analysis of distribution and migration of mesopelagic organisms based on 38 Khz backscatter around Cabo VerdeHarouna, Mahaman
2021Development Of Low-Cost Instrumentation For Advanced Underwater EcologyZinzindohoue, Coffi Gérard Franck
2021-01Gravitational Energy Potential and Multi-Criteria Assessment of Marine Gravitation Energy Sites in Cabo VerdeOladejo, Hafeez Opeyemi
2021-02Analysis of Shoreline Evolution in Support of Marine and Coastal Management in The GambiaPratt, Dawn Oredola
2021-02Application of UAV in monitoring and mapping coastal habitats over São Vicente, Cabo VerdeFerdinand, Bebo
2021Assessment of Dry and Wet Events in Togo (2001-2019) using the Standard Precipitation Index and their relationship with Ocean-Atmosphere Climate Variability ModesTadouna, Agnessa
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 12 of 12