Browsing by Author Villamor, Grace B.

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Showing results 1 to 11 of 11
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2019-12Climate change adaptation in Semi-Arid Ecosystems: A case study from GhanaYomo, Mawulolo; Villamor, Grace B.; Aziadekey, Mawuli; Olorunfemi, Felix; Mourad, Khaldoon A.
2016Farmers’ perceptions of climate change impacts on ecosystem services delivery of parklands in southern MaliSanogo, Kapoury; Binam, Joachim; Bayala, Jules; Villamor, Grace B.; Kalinganire, Antoine; Dodiomon, Soro
2017Local level impacts of climatic and non-climatic factors on agriculture and agricultural land-use dynamic in rural northern GhanaBadmos, Biola K.; Villamor, Grace B.; Agodzo, Sampson K.; Odai, Samuel N.; Badmos, Olabisi S.
2017Micro-level social vulnerability assessment towards climate change adaptation in semi-arid Ghana, West AfricaBadmos, Biola K.; Adenle, Ademola A.; Agodzo, Sampson K.; Villamor, Grace B.; Asare-Kyei, Daniel K.; Amadou, Laouali M.; Odai, Samuel N.
2015Population structure and regeneration status of Vitellaria Paradoxa (C. F. Gaertner) under different land management regimes in Atacora department, BeninAleza, Koutchoukalo; Wala, Kperkouma; Bayala, Jules; Villamor, Grace B.; Dourma, Marra; Atakpama, Wouyo; Akpagana, Koffi
2016Potential of dendrochronology in assessing carbon sequestration rates of Vitellaria paradoxa in southern Mali, West AfricaSanogo, Kapoury; Gebrekirstos, Aster; Bayala, Jules; Villamor, Grace B.; Kalinganire, Antoine; Dodiomon, Soro
2018Shea (Vitellaria paradoxa Gaertn C. F.) fruit yield assessment and management by farm households in the Atacora district of BeninAleza, Koutchoukalo; Villamor, Grace B.; Nyarko, Benjamin Kofi; Wala, Kperkouma; Akpagana, Koffi
2017Simulating agricultural land-use adaptation decisions to climate change: An empirical agent-based modelling in northern GhanaAmadou, Mahamadou L.; Villamor, Grace B.; Kyei-Baffour, Nicholas
2017-10Simulating agricultural land-use adaptation decisions to climate change: An empirical agent-based modelling in northern GhanaAmadou, Mahamadou L.; Villamor, Grace B.; Kyei-Baffour, Nicholas
2019Soil salinity assessment and coping strategies in the coastal agricultural landscape in Djilor district, SenegalThiam, Sophie; Villamor, Grace B.; Kyei-Baffour, Nicholas; Matty, François
2015Woody species diversity of Vitellaria paradoxa C.F. Gaertn traditional agroforests under different land management regimes in Atacora district (Benin, West Africa)Aleza, Koutchoukalo; Villamor, Grace B.; Wala, Kperkouma; Dourma, Marra; Atakpama, Wouyo; Batawila, Komlan; Akpagana, Koffi