Browsing by Author Dajuma, Alima

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Showing results 1 to 9 of 9
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2021Biomass Burning Effects on the Climate over Southern West Africa During the Summer MonsoonDajuma, Alima; Silué, Siélé; Ogunjobi, Kehinde O.; Vogel, Heike; N’Datchoh, Evelyne Touré; Yoboué, Véronique; Diedhiou, Arona; Vogel, Bernhard
2019Cloud-venting induced downward mixing of the Central African biomass burning plume during the West Africa summer monsoonDajuma, Alima; Ogunjobi, Kehinde O.; Vogel, Heike; Knippertz, Peter; Silué, Siélé; N’Datchoh, Evelyne Touré; Yoboué, Véronique; Vogel, Bernhard
2020-05Downward cloud venting of the central African biomass burning plume during theWest Africa summer monsoonDajuma, Alima; Ogunjobi, Kehinde O.; Vogel, Heike; Knippertz, Peter; Silué, Siélé; N’Datchoh, Evelyne Touré; Yoboué, Véronique; Vogel, Bernhard
2021-11Measurement of Atmospheric Black Carbon Concentration in Rural and Urban Environments: Cases of Lamto and AbidjanKouassi, Adjon A.; Doumbia, Madina; Silue, Siélé; Yao, Eric M.; Dajuma, Alima; Adon, Marcellin; Touré, N'datchoh E.; Yoboue, Véronique
2021-02Road Traffic Emission Inventory in an Urban Zone of West Africa: Case of Yopougon City (Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire)Doumbia, Madina; Kouassi, Adjon A.; Silué, Siélé; Yoboué, Véronique; Liousse, Cathy; Diedhiou, Arona; Touré, N’Datchoh E.; Keita, Sékou; Assamoi, Eric-Michel; Bamba, Adama; Zouzoua, Maurin; Dajuma, Alima; Kouadio, Kouakou
2015-11Sensitivity of solar Photovoltaic (PV) efficiency to climate change and dust : Comparative study between Niamey and AbidjanDajuma, Alima
2016-10Sensitivity of Solar Photovoltaic Panel Efficiency to Weather and Dust over West Africa: Comparative Experimental Study between Niamey (Niger) and Abidjan (Côte d’Ivoire)Dajuma, Alima; Yahaya, Saleye; Touré, Siaka; Diedhiou, Arona; Adamou, Rabani; Konaré, Abdourahamane; Sido, Mariama; Golba, Michel
2016-06Sensitivity of Solar Photovoltaic Panel Efficiency to Weather over West AfricaDajuma, Alima; Bonkaney, Abdou Latif; Adamou, Rabani; Diedhiou, Arona; Madougou, Saidou; Inoussa, Maarouhi Maman
2022-01Sensitivity Study of the RegCM4’s Surface Schemes in the Simulations of West Africa ClimateKouassi, Adjon Anderson; Kone, Brahima; Silue, Siélé; Dajuma, Alima; N’datchoh, Toure E.; Adon, Marcellin; Diedhiou, Arona; Yoboue, Véronique