Browsing by Author Biao, Eliezer Iboukoun

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Showing results 1 to 8 of 8
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2022Assessment of Intra-Seasonal Variability and Trends of Precipitations in a Climate Change Framework in West AfricaTore, Daniel Bio; Alamou, Adechina Eric; Obada, Ezéchiel; Biao, Eliezer Iboukoun; Zandagba, Esdras B. Josué
2021-11Heavy rainfall frequency analysis in the Benin section of the Niger and Volta Rivers basins: is the Gumbel’s distribution a one-size-fits-all model?Badou, Djigbo Félicien; Adango, Audrey; Hounkpè, Jean; Bossa, Aymar; Yira, Yacouba; Biao, Eliezer Iboukoun; Adounkpè, Julien; Alamou, Eric; Sintondji, Luc Ollivier C.; Afouda, Abel Akambi
2021-11Heavy rainfall frequency analysis in the Benin section of the Niger and Volta Rivers basins: is the Gumbel’s distribution a one-size-fits-all model?Badou, Djigbo Félicien; Adango, Audrey; Hounkpè, Jean; Bossa, Aymar; Yira, Yacouba; Biao, Eliezer Iboukoun; Adounkpè, Julien; Alamou, Eric; Sintondji, Luc Ollivier C.; Afouda, Abel Akambi
2021Impact of climate change on water availability in the Oueme catchment at the outlet of the Save’s bridge (Benin, West Africa)Chabi, Amedée; Zandagba, Esdras Babadjidé Josué; Obada, Ezekiel; Biao, Eliezer Iboukoun; Alamou, Eric Adéchina; Afouda, Abel
2015-11Improving Rainfall - Runoff Modelling through Uncertainties’ Control under Increasing Climate Variability in the Oueme River BasinBiao, Eliezer Iboukoun
2017-01Influence of the Long-Range Dependence in Rainfall in Modelling Oueme River Basin (Benin, West Africa)Biao, Eliezer Iboukoun; Alamou, Eric Adechina
2021-10Interannual Variability and Trends of Extreme Rainfall Indices over BeninObada, Ezéchiel; Alamou, Eric Adechina; Biao, Eliezer Iboukoun; Zandagba, Esdras B. Josué
2018-11Stochastic Modelling of Daily Rainfall for Decision Making in Water Management in Benin (West Africa)Biao, Eliezer Iboukoun; Alamou, Eric Adechina