This paper investigated the role of local institutions in facilitating farm households’ response and
adaptation to climate change impacts on their livelihood. A case study of adapting to drought
events associated with crop failure in a Semi-Arid Ecosystems of northern Ghana was taken. A
total of 49 semi-structured interviews with key representatives of various local institutions from
different sectors were conducted and 120 farm households were randomly interviewed to assess
their perceptions about their livelihood outcomes and local institutions accessibility. social
network analysis (SNA) has been used to bring into light the institutional framework in the
context of adaptation in Bongo district. From our research we noted five salient findings and their
implications in effective local level adaptation. First, the public and civic institutions in the study
area play a key role in facilitating adaptation. Essentially, institutional performance is inherently
local and may vary depending on their mandate as well as availability of resources. Secondly, it
has been realised that most of the institutions leading adaptation among the farming community
are not directly adaptation related but are those intervening in various domains of households’
rural life. Thirdly, it appears that institutional role is not limited to the leading aspect but also the
ability of some institutions to channel or extend the available resources to the beneficiaries in the
network (known as resources controllers or communicators), and others in controlling the flow of
resources in the network (known as bridges or brokers). Fourthly, the results revealed that institutional
support is more evident in term of knowledge management, on farm management than
farm financial management (insurance, credit, market), livelihood diversification and the investment
in infrastructures (dams). Fifthly, it appears that institutional support has at some
extend facilitated adaptation within the farming communities by increasing the annual income,
farm productivity and well-being while reducing households’ adaptation. This paper contributes
to the growing knowledge of the role of institutional framework in the facilitation of local