dc.description.abstract |
West Africa is one of the most important source of aerosols in the World due to the large
extent of Sahara and Sahel regions of Africa which have been identified as the first source of
mineral dust. In addition, fires occur in several vegetated ecosystems across the World,
especially in tropical and subtropical savannah where fire is widely used by the population,
during dry season for mainly social and economic purposes. Therefore West Africa, due to its
location (between Sahara and Atlantic Ocean) is subject to complex interaction between dust,
combustion (biomass burning and fossil fuel) particles and maritime aerosols which may
impact the regional climate. Using a regional climate model (RegCM4) coupled to an
interactive dust module, treating dust emission, transport, and deposition processes,
investigations of effects of dust and carbonaceous aerosols particles from biomass burning
were conducted on the West African climate.
The study further investigates the relationship between the Saharan Air Layer located above
Atlantic Ocean (OSAL) and West African Monsoon (WAM) features, including Monsoon
flow, African Easterly Jet (AEJ), and Tropical Easterly Jet (TEJ) over West Africa. To achieve
these set purposes, two sets of experiments from 2000-2010 were performed, one including
dust and one without dust effect over the West African domain, encompassing the whole West
Africa and a large part of the adjacent Atlantic Ocean. Results from simulations performed in
this study show that dust load into the atmosphere has an effect on both the wind and
temperature structure at different levels, inducing observed changes in WAM system during
June-July-August-September (JJAS) seasons. These changes lead to a westward shift and
slight strength of AEJ core over tropical Atlantic which is associated to a weak TEJ.
Moreover despite the prescribed Sea Surface Temperature (SST), good correlation was noted
to exist between Aerosol Optical Depths in OSAL and regional wind, suggesting that the mechanism between dust and WAM features is well reproduced by RegCM4.
Moreover, assessing dust-induced radiative forcing over the study domain revealed that dust
induced cooling both at TOA and surface throughout the year. The radiative forcing at the
Top of Atmosphere (TOA) is minimum during June-July-August (JJA) both over the Ocean (-
30 to -40 W.m-2) and land (-10 to -20 W.m-2), and maximum during December-January-
February (DJF) with transitional value during MAM and SON.
Also, the daily satellite products (L3JRC) of burned areas from the SPOT– VEGETATION
sensor at a moderate spatial resolution of 1 km × 1 km between 2000 and 2007 were analyzed
in this work. Results from seasonal analysis revealed a large increase in burned areas from
November to February with consistent peaks in December at regional scale and 30% of the
L3JRC pixels were burned in approximately 2 years intervals over the West African
Savannah. Dividing West Africa into sub-regions broadly according to climate and
vegetation, revealed existence of several fire regimes across the region following climate and
vegetation gradient. Fires regime is regular in Guinean and Sudanian savannahs with less
impact of climate variability on the fires. |
en_US |